Top 6 alternatives to DJI RoboMaster in terms of education:

Robotics education is on the rise, and DJI RoboMaster is one of the most popular kits for schools and educators. However, it's not the only option.  

With so many alternatives available, it can be challenging to know which one to choose. In this article, we'll explore the top 6 alternatives to DJI RoboMaster that can be used in terms of education.  

We'll know about each kit and understand what similarities it has with DJI Robomaster Epcore. While no alternative robot has all of the same functions as EPCore, we'll also examine how each one offers some comparable features at a lower price point.  

Finally, we'll discuss why EPCore is the best premium robot for AI and coding in school.  

Top 6 alternatives to DJI RoboMaster in terms of education: 

1. Micro:Maqueen Plus V2 (Ni MH Rechargeable Battery) with HUSKYLENS and micro:bit V2 

Maqueen Plus V2

Maqueen Plus V2 is the latest version of the STEAM educational robot Maqueen Plus. It is completely compatible with additional peripheral parts like the HuskyLens AI camera and Maqueen Mechanic Kits thanks to its optimized design, which also includes more expansion ports, a larger power supply, and a larger body.  

This makes it an accessible STEAM robot teaching tool for elementary and secondary students. Maqueen Plus V2 is appropriate for both in-class instruction and extracurricular activities like robot contests. 

The Micro: Maqueen Plus kit is a great resource for teaching kids about AI and coding. The HuskyLens camera with object recognition capabilities and a Micro:bit, a small, programmable microprocessor.  

With a straightforward drag-and-drop programming interface and detailed instructions, the kit is designed to be simple to use, even for novices.  

Numerous features, like color identification, facial recognition, and object tracking, are offered by the HuskyLens.  

When compared to Robomaster Epcore, both robots offer many similar features. For instance, the Micro: Maqueen Plus kit's HuskyLens camera enables object identification and tracking capabilities, whilst the Ep Core's built-in camera provides a comparable set of capabilities. The Ep Core can perceive and react to more complex visual stimuli since it has more sophisticated AI and machine learning capabilities. 

The Micro: Maqueen Plus kit with HuskyLens still offers exceptional value for teaching coding and AI at a more modest price point, even though the Ep Core may have more sophisticated capabilities 

 2. Make A Robot Kit (MARK) - for hands on AI learning 


The Make A Robot Kit, or MARK, is built around an Arduino-compatible baseboard and a machine vision module based on the Kendryte K210. 

Utilizing artificial intelligence technologies like image recognition, object identification, computer vision, and automated self-driving controls, users may build and put together an AI robot automobile with this kit. MARK makes learning easier and makes it easier for beginners to get started with computerized machine learning. 

M.A.R.K comes pre-loaded with functionality to recognize colors, shapes, and objects within these categories. 

M.A.R.K. is simple to put together and comes along plug-and-play sensor modules including an electromagnet, a line follower, and an ultrasonic distance sensor. 

M.A.R.K. is a similar substitute for Robo Ep Core that provides equivalent functionality for practical AI education. M.A.R.L has a variety of sensors, such as an ultrasonic sensor and a line-tracking sensor, which enables students to create and design their own autonomous robots. Additionally, MARK has a camera module with capabilities comparable to those of Robo Ep Core in terms of object tracking and visual identification. 

 3. Makeblock – mBot2 AI and IoT Starter Kit 


The mBot2 is a new generation teaching robot that has been designed with expanded capabilities. It may be used from elementary school through upper high school and beyond, starting as an entry-level solution. Teachers are capable of giving students really engaging lessons. 

CyberPi, a networking-capable microprocessor with integrated sensors and other features, powers mBot2. With the use of cutting-edge technologies, such as robotics, AI, IoT, and data science, mBot2 is intended to carry out interactive courses that mirror real-world applications. 

With the improved coding learning experience offered by mBlock, mBot 2 enables instructors and students to start with block-based coding and move easily into Python object-oriented coding in the same environment. With Google Classroom, teachers may remotely control their mBlock activities. 

The Makeblock mBot2 AI and IoT Starter Kit is a comparable replacement for the Robo Ep Core that provides equivalent capabilities for teaching coding and robotics.  Students may create and control their own robots using a number of sensors, including an ultrasonic sensor and a line-following sensor. 

The Robo Ep Core and the mBot2 both include additional AI features including speech recognition and object avoidance. The Makeblock mBot2 AI and IoT Starter Kit is a great educational resource for kids interested in learning about coding, robotics, and AI even if it is less expensive. 

 4. Petoi Bittle - Bionic Open-Source Robot Dog 

Petoi Bittle

Bittle is a distinctive robot with cutting-edge characteristics that set it apart in the robotics industry. Bittle's bionic system, which enables it to carry out dynamic motions with exceptional coordination, is one of its most striking qualities. Its bionic construction offers it more flexibility on uneven terrain, and only the greatest laboratories or few opulent corporate robots can match its dynamic mobility. 

Bittle is a distinctive robot with cutting-edge characteristics that set it apart in the robotics industry. Bittle's bionic system, which enables it to carry out dynamic motions with exceptional coordination, is one of its most striking qualities. Its bionic construction offers it more flexibility on uneven terrain, and only the greatest laboratories or few opulent corporate robots can match its dynamic mobility. 

It is simple to use. With a 3D interlocking construction for the body and legs, it has been pre-programmed to be useable right out of the box, minimizing the need for screws. Additionally, it includes a vast collection of training materials, including 16 unique graphical programming courses with extension packs. 

Robomaster Epcore and Petoi Bittle both can be programmed in a variety of ways. Both robots may be programmed at various levels in different programming environments, enabling instructors and developers to impart code in multiple methods. Additionally, they provide adaptable coding alternatives, such as the open-source C code from Bittle and Python and Scratch support from Epcore. 

Their distinctive bionic structures, which enable dynamic movement and coordination, are another similarity. They have more mobility in unstructured terrain because of Epcore's four-wheel drive system and Bittle's bionic legs, which enable more organic and lifelike motions. 

 5. Arduino Braccio ++ 


 The Arduino Braccio ++ robot is the next iteration of the Tinkerkit Braccio robot and is exclusively intended for higher education, including engineering schools and university institutes of technology — or even accomplished high school and college students majoring in the sciences, industrial science, or technology. 

The fully optimized Arduino Braccio ++ may be configured in a variety of ways for a variety of functions, like moving things, mounting a camera and tracking your motions, or connecting a solar panel and tracking the sun. It has a plethora of applications. 

Lifting, setting, and rotating an object will teach students how physical ideas are used in the real world. These ideas include movements, forces, torque, gear ratios, stability, and payload weight. 

The open-source platforms of both Robomaster Epcore and Arduino Braccio ++ make it simple to customize and modify these devices. 

Both of them work with a variety of programming languages. The Arduino IDE for C language may be used to program Braccio ++, and it also features a Scratch-based programming environment. Similar to other programming languages, Epcore offers Python and Scratch. 

Both kits offer a wide range of peripherals that enable cutting-edge functionality. 

 6. Makeblock mBot Ranger - Robotics Competition kit 

Makeblock mBot Ranger

The mBot Ranger Robot Kit facilitates the construction of a self-balancing vehicle, a three-wheel racing car, and a robot tank. It's also known as a three-in-one STEM educational robot kit. To begin your expedition, program and control the mBot Ranger using an iPad, tablet, or laptop. 

For competing in a variety of robot competitions, the mBot ranger robot kit is perfect. It is powerful, adaptable, supports several programming languages (graphical/Arduino), and is expandable. This competitive kit includes a mBot ranger, a rechargeable battery, and a charger, along with other parts you may use to customize it to meet your needs and get a competitive edge over the basic kit.  

With this three-in-one robot kit, you can learn programming while having fun and expand your horizons. 

Both mBot Ranger and Robomaster Epcore are intended to provide users with a fun and informative experience. A range of sensors and modules are available in both the robotic kits, that helps to customize the robots. Both Robomaster Epcore and the Makeblock mBot Ranger can be programmed using graphical programming tools and coding languages like Python and C++. 

However, Robomaster Epcore is a more advanced robotics kit created for people with greater expertise. It offers more sophisticated features including an FPV camera and a greater degree of competitive gameplay. However, the Makeblock mBot Ranger is a kit that is appropriate for beginners and kids who are just starting their journey in line of robotics. 


Why EPCore is the best premium robot for AI and coding in school 

The Robomaster EPCore is generally regarded as the finest premium robot kit for teaching coding and AI in educational institutions. While there are other substitute kits available in the market, Robomaster EPCore stands out for its comprehensive features, user-friendly design, and unmatched educational value. 

The most advanced features of  EPCore, include an effective ARM Cortex-A7 quad-core processor, 8GB eMMC storage, and an HD camera. Students benefit from a simplified programming interface and a rich experience thanks to its connectivity with the RoboMaster app. Additionally, EPCore is a smart long-term investment for schools because of its modular architecture, which enables simple modification and updates. 

With its straightforward assembling procedure and intuitive user interface, EPCore provides unsurpassed usability when compared to other options. A complete set of resources and clear instructions are a part of the packaging, making it simple for teachers to incorporate them into their curriculum. 

Thanks to its extensive programming language support and cutting-edge software tools, EPCore also provides outstanding educational value for teaching AI and coding. Its interoperability with Scratch, Python, and C++ enables teachers to modify their classes to meet the educational needs of their pupils. 

While Petoi Bittle, Makeblock mBot2 AI, Micro:Maqueen Plus V2 with HUSKYLENS, Make A Robot Kit (MARK), Makeblock mBot Ranger - Robotics Competition kit and Makeblock mBot2 are all respectable substitutes, none of them can be compared to EPCore's advanced capabilities and unmatched educational value. They can surely act as a substitute but can never deliver 100% of what Epcore delivers. 

In conclusion, EPCore is a great purchase for teachers wishing to provide their students with a thorough and comprehensive robotics education. It is the finest premium robot for AI and coding instruction in schools because of its cutting-edge features, usability, and educational value. 



The popularity of robotics education has increased, and one of the most well-liked kits among educators and schools is the DJI RoboMaster. It is not the only choice, though. The best 5 DJI RoboMaster substitutes that may be utilized in teaching have been covered in this post. While no alternative robot has all of the same functions as the DJI RoboMaster EpCore, each one offers some comparable features at a lower price point. The DJI RoboMaster EpCore was ultimately cited as the finest premium robot for AI and coding in the classroom. 






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